Royalyn Reid, the co-founder & CEO of Consumer and Market Insights, LLC (CMI), is known for her entrepreneurial achievements and long history of business and philanthropic accomplishments. Royalyn has over 30 years of experience in behavioral science research. Her company is an award-winning, research and process improvement company skilled at helping with marketing research, process improvement, training, and community engagement. She has extensive experience in the Transportation Industry, government, and small business.
Over the years, she has attracted a team of committed, passionate professionals whose skills have earned the trust and loyalty of notable clients in the federal, municipal, and private sectors including: Federal (U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Smithsonian Institution (SI), Army Corp of Engineers); Municipal (Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Love Field Airport, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Trinity Metro, North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA), the cities of Dallas, Fort Worth and Plano, Texas, Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD), Tarrant County College (TCC), Dallas Independent School District); and Private (Unilever, First American Corporation, Texas Instruments), and other large corporations.
Beyond her work in CMI, Royalyn has served on various Advisory Committees over the years including First American Corporation National Diversity Advisory Committee, Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Women’s Business Enterprise Forum, Women’s Business Council Southwest (WBCS) ENCOE Regional Advisory Committee, International Economic Empowerment of Women (IEEW) Advisory Committee. She also served on the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Board of Directors and the Global Services Committee and chaired the Forum Global Team. Royalyn was recently named as a Unilever Research Fellow because of her work on a groundbreaking research project.
Royalyn also serves on the board of directors and executive committee of the Women’s Business Council Southwest (WBCS) and the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (D/FW MSDC). She was appointed to the Southern Methodist University (SMU) Cox School of Business Associate Board as a mentor. She also served on a roundtable panel entitled “Minority Entrepreneurship: Evaluating Small Business Resources and Programs for the United States Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship chaired by Senators Mary Landrieu and Olympia Snowe.
Royalyn has presented to various chambers of commerce, professional organizations, and community groups throughout the country on various topics including: “Customer Service Tips: A Company’s Best PR,” “Customer Engagement,” “Effective Networking for Building Your Business,” and “Effectively Marketing Your Business to the Federal Government.” She has been a recurring subject matter expert on Fox News Radio and Good Morning Texas on customer engagement, diversity, and unconscious bias.
Royalyn earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and went on to earn a Master of Science in Human Development.