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Customer success story.



CMI Competencies:

Dallas American Cancer Society.

Mobile Mammography Community Program.

Marketing Research, Training, Diverse Groups, Community Engagement.

Client Need


Statistics showed a disproportionate death rate with minority women who were diagnosed with breast cancer.  Research identified a number of preventable factors that contributed to the prognosis, including late detection, lack of education and difficulty with transportation for medical services.  The Dallas American Cancer Society partnered with Parkland Health & Hospital System to reach out to diverse groups of high-risk women in African American and Hispanic communities by taking education and mammography services to the women in the target communities.



CMI Action


CMI worked with American Cancer Society stakeholders and community partners to design and implement an innovative program that included mobile mammograms and education in the target, high-risk African American communities in Dallas, Texas.  CMI partnered with respected community leaders to implement the program in the community. Over 500 African American women in the target, high-risk African American community were educated and received free mammograms through the pilot program.




Parkland Health & Hospital System used the pilot program as a model to build its successful Community Oriented Primary Care (COPC) health centers throughout the city of Dallas.  There are currently 12 health centers throughout the city that are effective in furnishing medical aid and hospital care to indigent and needy persons residing in the hospital district. The Mobile Mammography Community Pilot program received local, state and national recognition for its successful pioneer work in the Dallas community. Over 220,000 women received services through the women’s clinic visits in 2015.


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